Vauhti Varikko Stage 1 + 2 Clutch Kit – Segway Snarler

294,00  294,00 

VAUHTI VARIKKO Stage 1+2 Clutch Kit – Segway Snarler with CV-Tech Kupplung

The 2-in1 clutch kit is the best and safest choice for your vehicle with stock tires as well as larger tires. (25-28″ tires)

  • incl. secondary & primary clutch spring
  • makes up for the power loss of big tires
  • reduced belt slip & heat
  • fits only for CV-Tech clutches

The coupling kit includes all parts and installation instructions to be used as both a Stage 1 and Stage 2 kit.

Availability : in stock

In stock (can be backordered)

SKU: IB80.3700 | Product brand : Vauhti Varikko

VAUHTI VARIKKO 2-in-1 Clutch Kit - CSegway Snarler Snarler AT6 L & Snarler AT6 S with CV-Tech Clutch

This kit contains all the parts and installation information to use it as both a Stage 1 kit or Stage 2 kit on larger tyres.

STAGE 1 - standard tyres - 25"-26" - Comfort, Work & Trail Riding
STAGE 2 - big tyres - 27"-28" - Mud and big, heavy tyres

The kit includes detailed adjustments information based on the vehicles specs and conditions of use and parts to adjust it accordingly. The 2-in-1 clutch kit is the best and safest choice for your vehicle with standard tyres as well as larger tyres.

- To use with 25"-28" tyres.
- Reduces belt slip and heat.
- Quicker backshift which results in crisp throttle response.
- Makes up for the power loss and slow response of adding oversized tires.
- Great for trail riding, occasional mud and sand riding, plowing and hauling.
- Reduces the operating temperature of the belt and increases the service life of the belt.
- The kit includes detailed installation instructions.
- Fits only the CV-Tech clutch!

We recommend having the installation carried out by a specialist workshop.

When making changes to the variomatic, also replace the belt!

Segway Snarler AT6 L
Segway Snarler AT6 S


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    Manufacturer information

    Vauhti Varikko
    Savelantie 222, 84100 Ylivieska, Finland
    +358 50 00000 | vauhtivarikko[at]

    Lothringen Strasse 6/20, 4501 Neuhofen an der Krems, Austria

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