Demon Powersports PAXL-6098HD Rear – Polaris S

273,16  273,16 

HEAVY DUTY-Axle Polaris Scrambler 1000 S (55″) & Polaris Sportsman 1000 S (55″) – Rear

  • Boot cuffs made of TPEE
  • 10% -15% larger joint diamenter
  • up to 40 degrees joint angle
  • greased with Lithium-molybdenum grease

Availability : in stock

In stock

SKU: PAXL-6098HD | Product brand : Demon Powersports

Description HD

DEMON Heavy Duty Axles for use on the road and off-road, where an original axle can wear out or break prematurely due to extreme stress.

These axles are made with reinforced components and up to 25% stronger than the OEM axles.

The heavy duty axles can be mounted on the ATV / UTV without modification.

It is recommended to always exchange the axes in pairs.

Demon Powersports strength test comparison

Warranty HD Axles

Limited warranty

Demon HD Axles (excluding boots & clamps) are warrantied to the original purchaser for aperiod of 1 years from date of purchase.
DEMON POWERSPORTS warranty does not apply to failure resulting from misuse, negligence, accident, improper application, improper installation or alteration. Within 75 days from date of purchase, Demon Powersports will ship a replacement one time only at Demon Powersports’s discretion if the vehicle was not used in racing or military use (for example highlifter).
If the axle fails after 75 days but within one year from the date of purchase, the buyer will receive a replacement axle for a flat fee of USD 50. The warranty can be claimed one time only.

The warranty does not cover CV boots and clamps. Checking the boots and clamps should be part of the vehicle owner’s periodic vehicle check.

Jay Parts assumes for its customers a possible handling of the warranty claim.
For this you have to send an e-mail in advance with the following information:

  • your contact information
  • a description of the use of the damage
  • photos of the broken axle/ axle damage
  • photo center axle with imprint PAXL-xxxx
  • photo of the vehicle on which the installed suspension is recognizable
  • photo of the vehicle on which the tire dimension is recognizable
  • info vehicle / model / year in which the axle was installed
  • scan / photo bill/invoice

Jay Parts will contact you immediately and discuss the further procedure.

If there is a legitimate warranty claim, we will send you a form, which you must complete and return to us with the broken axle. This must be done within 15 days, otherwise the warranty expires. We will try to cover the warranty on our stock. If this is not possible, we will try to find the quickest and least expensive way for you to claim your warranty.

Please note, however, that in addition to the abovementioned warranty, the pro rata shipment to Europe + customs and import tax is added, which are not covered by Demon Powersports!
This currently amounts to approx. Euro 45, – (plus VAT) for 100% warranty and approx. €86,70 (plus VAT) for a warranty claim within the first year + shipping from Austria to customer address.

KAT/CAT Marke/Brand Jahr/Year Modell/Model
KAT/CAT Marke/Brand Jahr/Year Modell/Model
Demon Powersports Polaris 2020 - 2024 Scrambler 1000 XP S (Hinten/Rear)
Demon Powersports Polaris 2023 - 2024 Sportsman 1000 XP S (Hinten/Rear)


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