Vauhti Varikko Helix 43-56° – Road – CFMoto CForce 1000 / ZForce 1000

330,00  330,00 

Helix 43-56° Vauhti Varikko – CFMoto CForce 1000 / ZForce 1000

The Ultimate Performance Enhancement for Your CFMoto Stage 1 Clutch Kit
Secondary clutch helix for upgrading CFMoto Stage 1 clutch kits with tires 25″-27″ for CFMoto CForce 1000 & CFMoto ZForce 1000 for optimization on road use.
Recommended for only with Ecu tune (Link: ECU Tuner CFMoto)

Availability : in stock

In stock (can be backordered)

SKU: IB80.1170 | Product brand : Vauhti Varikko

Vauhti Varikko Helix 43-56° for CFMoto CForce & CFMoto ZForce 1000

Enhance the performance of your CFMoto Stage 1 clutch kit for road applications with the Helix 43-56° Vauhti Varikko. This Helix upgrade is specifically designed to maximize the performance of your CFMoto vehicle with 25" to 27" tyres. With a variable tilt angle from 43 to 56 degrees, the Helix ensures optimal adaptation to your driving needs and road conditions. Whether you're on the road or off-road, the Helix 43-56° Vauhti Varikko offers improved acceleration and more responsive handling. Get the ultimate performance upgrade for your CFMoto vehicle now and experience a whole new level of driving pleasure!

Recommended for only units with Ecu tune.(Link)

CFMoto ZForce 1000 - upgrade Vauhti Varikko Kit Stage 1
CFMoto CForce 1000 - upgrade Vauhti Varikko Kit Stage 1


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    Manufacturer information

    Vauhti Varikko
    Savelantie 222, 84100 Ylivieska, Finland
    +358 50 00000 | vauhtivarikko[at]

    Lothringen Strasse 6/20, 4501 Neuhofen an der Krems, Austria

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