SBS 970PSI – Sinter Hi-Tech Brake Pad / Polaris (Front)

46,20  46,20 

Sinter Hi-Tech PSI-EVO Brake Pad SBS 970PSI

Ultimate upgrade mix for your Polaris RZR 1000, Polaris RZR 900, Polaris RZR-S 1000, Polaris RZR-S 900 sowie Polaris Scrambler & Sportsman 1000S with double piston brake caliper kit – front (see the list below)

  • immediate brake feel, strong performance
  • perfect for extreme conditions
  • compound connection through NRS-Technology
  • high performance & extended maintenance intervals

1 set per disc

Availability : in stock

In stock (can be backordered)

SKU: SBS970PSI | Product brand : SBS

SBS 970PSI - Brake Pad for Polaris RZR & Polaris Sportsman/Scrambler with double piston brake caliper kit (Front)

SBS Offroad Sinter PSI brake pads ensure the ultimate braking performance for all ATV's at all times.
The highly advanced, conductive, sintered EVO compound is designed for a strong initial bite to ensure instant brake feel, easy modulation and strong braking performance.
Consistent and reliable perfromance under extreme conditions and throughout the entire service life characterise PSI brake pads. NRS technology sorts for a mechanical and indestructible compound bond.
with double piston brake caliper kit

Brand Model Year Position Info
POLARIS RZR 900 2015-2020 Vorne
POLARIS RZR 1000 2016-2020 Vorne
POLARIS RZR-S 900 2020 Vorne
POLARIS RZR-R 1000 2020 Vorne
POLARIS Scrambler 1000 S (55") 2020- Vorne with double piston brake caliper kit
POLARIS Sportsman 1000 S (55") 2020- Vorne with double piston brake caliper kit


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    Kuopiovej 11, DK-5700 Svendborg

    Lothringen Strasse 6/20, 4501 Neuhofen an der Krems, Österreich

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