Recovery point Can Am ATV’s G2

36,00  36,00 

Recovery point / winch point for Can Am Renegade & Outlander / G2

  • universal fitment for all G2 CanAm Renegade and Outlander vehicles
  • eyelet M20 – diameter 40mm
  • steel powder coated

Availability : in stock

In stock

SKU: IB80.7210 | Product brand : IB

Recovery point rear for Can Am ATV / G2

The robust recovery point for all Can Am Renegad & Outlander G2 models allows a tow strap, winch cable or other recovery equipment to be securely attached to recover the ATV from a difficult situation.
The ATV recovery point is essential for off-road use of ATV's and provides a reliable solution in emergency situations to get the vehicle back in operation quickly, e.g. if it is stuck in mud, sand or snow or is stationary due to a mechanical defect.

Mounting bolts not provided (fits under OE bolts).

Universal fitment for all G2 Can Am Renegade and Outlander vehicles
Can Am Outlander G2 - all models
Can Am Renegade G2 - all models


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