JAY PARTS ECU RACE Update Polaris Scrambler 1000 & Sportsman 1000

450,00  450,00 

JAY PARTS ECU RACE Update Polaris Scrambler 1000 & Sportsman 1000(all) – year 2014-2016

Works with all models with throttle cable, not with Ride by Wire!

The following settings are changed/optimized:
ignition matched to European gasoline
gas mixture optimized
fan turns on earlier and turns off later
rev limiter raised
torque limit raised
final speed not limited
emergency program (limp mode) is only limited to overheating

Fill out the form , sign it and send it with your ECU to us!

Availability : 5 - 7 days from ECU is at our house

In stock

SKU: JP0027 | Product brand : JAY PARTS-ECU

JAY PARTS ECU RACE Update Polaris Scrambler & Sportsman (all) 1000 - year 2014-2016
Works with all models with throttle cable, not with Ride by Wire!

The following settings are changed/optimized:
ignition matched to European gasoline
gas mixture optimized
fan turns on earlier and turns off later
rev limiter raised
torque limit raised
final speed not limited
emergency program (limp mode) is only limited to overheating

Sport exhaust and sports air filter is recommended to get the maximum power outpud.

The ECU race update has been developed for motor sports and extensively testet. The vehicle has a completely different character after. A power commander does NOT need to be used additionally.

Do not drive faster than the original speed limit. A higher load on belts and drive shafts is possible due to the higher performance.

No warranty on engine, transmission, powertrain and attachments.
Guaranteed driving pleasure!

- Polaris Scrambler 1000 2014 – 2016
- Polaris Sportsman 1000 2014 – 2016

Print the form, signe it and send it to Jay Parts with the ECU. Without the form we can not optimize any ECU
Download ECU update form



143 km/h und noch keine Ende

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