Bushing & Sleeves kit A-Arms front Arctic Cat 400-1000+TRV
183,42 € 183,42 €
incl. 20% VAT plus shipping costs
JAY PARTS Bushing & Sleeves kit A-Arms front Arctic Cat 400 – 1000 +TRV
The sleeves are made of hardened stainless steel, only the best is good enough for our claim!
PE-GL with added oil is used as a self-lubricating, wear-resistant material for the bushings. Sealing against dirt and water takes over an O-ring.
✓ hardened stainless steel sleeves
✓ stainless
✓ PE_GL bushings with oil additive
✓ sealed with O-rings
✓ Made in Europe
One kit is for both sides front (left and right) consisting of:
Availability : in stock
JAY PARTS Bushing kit A-Arms Arctic Cat/Textron 400 - 1000 +TRV (set front)
The sleeves are made of hardened stainless steel, only the best is good enough for our claim!
PE-GL with added oil is used as a self-lubricating, wear-resistant material for the bushings. Sealing against dirt and water takes over an O-ring.
- Made in Europe
- hardened stainless steel sleves
- stainless
- PE-GL bushings with oil additive
- sealed with O-rings
6 sleeves
12 bushings (pre-assembled with O-rings)
One kit is for both sides front (left and right).
Replaces part numbers: 0403-439 + 0403-289 + 0403-409 + 0403-438
Arctic Cat / Textron 400–1000 + TRV (not Alterra)
Don´t hit the bushings with a hammer!
Put enough grease in the bushings before installation.
Please fill in grease on the grease press only until a first resistance occurs.
Grease must not ooze out!
We reccomend using water resistant grease when installing, BEL RAY Waterproof you can find in our shop.
Unfortunately, Arctic Cat has large tolerances in the paintwork in the bushing area of the Alterra A-Arms. One of the reasons for the large bushing wear of the OEM bushings.
Our Jay Parts bushings have a slight oversize of 0.10 mm, and we have also provided them with the Jay Parts helical groove to create a grease depot.
OEM Arctic Cat socket 0403-409 (production 2018): 21.95mm
Jay Parts socket: 22.06 mm
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Produktanfrage / Request to product: Bushing & Sleeves kit A-Arms front Arctic Cat 400-1000+TRV
Manufacturer information
Lothringenstrasse 6/20, AT-4501 Neuhofen an der Krems, Austria
Buchsensatz ist zum 2x viel zu klein.
Beanstandung wurden abgewiesen.
Leider nicht zu empfehlen
Hallo Jonny,
danke für deine Bewertung und interessante Email Kommunikation über 3 Tage.
Jedoch muss man festhalten, das die Jay Parts Buchsen in Weiss / Grau schon ein Übermaß im Außen Durchmesser haben.
OEM Arctic Cat Buchse 0403-409 (Produktion 2018) : 21,95mm
Jay Parts Buchse : 22,06 mm
Die bekannten Hersteller Toleranzen fallen nicht in unseren Bereich.
Ich kann den Kit nur empfehlen, die Verarbeitung und die Qualität ist spitze und nicht mit dem Original Produkt vergleichbar. Das Fahrverhalten ist aus meiner Sicht in Kurven deutlich besser und direkter als mit den originalen Hartgummi Buchsen, die nach kürzester Zeit ausgelutscht waren. Daumen hoch ?