Brake Caliper Saver Front – Polaris Scrambler S (55″) / Sportsman S (55″)

85,90  85,90 

Brake Caliper Saver Polaris Scrambler 1000 S (55″) & Polaris Sportsman 1000 S (55″) – Front

An upgrade that every vehicle needs! Can be used with the original caliper and double piston caliper.

  • protects brake caliper
  • protects brake line
  • protects axle boot

Availability : approx. 4 weeks

Available on backorder

SKU: ZPO54513 | Product brand : Polaris

Polaris Brake Caliper Saver Scrambler/Sportsman 1000 S (55")

This important upgrade for the brake system and drive shaft is made of plastic and protects against stones and branches.
Your brake line will thank you, as it is no longer exposed to every stone.

- brake caliper protection
- brake line protection
- sleeve drive shaft protection

2 pieces (1 left side / 1 right side)

Polaris Scrambler 1000 S (55"), 2020-
Polaris Sportsman 1000 S (55"), 2020-


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