Accossato Full Clutch With Folding Lever

180,00  180,00 

Full Clutch With Folding Lever from Accosssato

  • “click” adjustment of the cable
  • distance adjustment
  • less effort required
  • lever is folding

Availability : in stock

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SKU: ZCF017N-32 | Product brand : Accossato

Full Clutch With Folding Lever from Accosssato

The Accossato cable clutch is one of a kind: it has a "click" adjustment of the cable, the cable clutch is the one and only Provided with distance adjuster between the handle and the grip.
The Lever is folding, made in aluminium, CNC-worked and anodyzed.


  • With a longer distance, with the same movement of the Lever, you'll have a longer cable recovery: the clutch will be released earlier but, the strenght needed to activate the Lever wil be higher.
  • With a shorter distance, with the same movement of the Lever, You'll have a shorter cable recovery: the clutch will release with a stronger movement and the strenght needed to activate the Lever will be lower.


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    Manufacturer information

    Accossato Group
    Via Don Eugenio Bruno 6, 10029 - Villastellone (Torino), Italy
    +39 011 9696811 | Fax: +39 011 9696033

    Lothringen Strasse 6/20, 4501 Neuhofen an der Krems, Austria

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