Meneks Synthetic High Performance Brake Fluid DOT 4LV

12,26  12,26 

Meneks Dot 4LV Brake Fluid Low Viscosity

  • Synthetik high performance brake fluid (low viscosity)
  • high operation reliability even after long periods of use
  • mixable with brake fluids of the same specification
  • dry boiling point >265°C (509°F), wet boiling point >170°C (338°F)
  • Coloring:clear

For brake systems and hydraulic clutches, except systems using mineral brake fluids

Unit: 250 ml

Availability : in stock

In stock

SKU: E321020 | Product brand : Meneks

Meneks Dot 4 LV Low Viscosity - Synthetic high performance brake fluid

DOT 4 LV exceeds the specification DOT 3, US FMVSS 116, SAE J1704, ISO 4925 (Class 6). DOT4 Brake fluid must not be mixed with DOT 3. For use in all hydraulic brake systems with drum or disc brakes, except for systems using mineral based fluids (LHM).

Brake fluid has the property of being hygroscopic, which means that even in closed systems and containers, this fluid attracts a lot of water. The more water is added to the brake fluid over time, the worse the conditions that a brake fluid must fulfil. For example, a brake fluid must be able to withstand high temperatures and pressure, which, interspersed with water, can make the braking ability a real danger to road traffic.

TIP! On many brake fluid reservoir lids, manufacturers have indicated which brake fluid should be used in their system.

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